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The Light blueprint is an all-in-one blueprint that can create almost any type of light source that you would find in a photo studio. Diffusers, reflectors, gels, grids, barn doors, and so on, can all be simulated with its parameters.

Light settings

EnabledSwitches the light on or off
IntensitySets the intensity of the light
TemperatureSets the temperature of the light
ColorSets the color of the light. Note that this can be used together with Temperature, but if you want the temperature to be accurate, then set this to full white.
Light Shape
  • Flat
  • Spherical
Visualize Light ShapeShows the light shape for debug purposes
Light Unit
  • Unitless
  • Candelas
  • Lumens
Light TargetAims the light toward an actor of your choice (needs to be in the same level as the light)
Attenuation Radius (Advanced)Controls the area the light affects
Light Shape Emissive Intensity (Advanced)Controls the intensity of the light shape when Visualize Light Shape is enabled. Note that this will affect reflections in an inaccurate way.
Samples Per Pixel (Advanced)Controls the samples of the light. If you have grainy shadows, you can increase this value.
Affect Global Illumination (Advanced)Switches GI contribution on or off.
Cast Deep Shadow (Advanced)This can help getting better shadowing for hair strands
Transmission (Advanced)Enables forward scattering on the light. Use this if you want the light to shine through the ears of a person for example.
Light Channels (Advanced)Also known as Light Linking in other render engines. Controls what objects the light is affecting.
Shadow Type (Advanced)Choose between Ray Tracing or Virtual Shadow Maps. Ray traced shadows are more accurate, but doesn't support Nanite meshes.
Light TextureUse a texture as the light source. You can use your own, or choose one of the included textures from VirtualPhotographyKit/Resources/Textures